Samsung Electronics on Wednesday unveiled its newest Galaxy S25 smartphones, powered by Qualcomm's chips and Google's artificial-intelligence model, hoping its upgraded AI features can reinvigorate sales and fend off Apple and Chinese rivals.
During Samsung Unpacked 2025, we heard that the Galaxy S25 series phones have a "custom" (sort of) Qualcomm Snapdragon chip to power its features. That's pretty cool — we know Snapdragon chips perform well and we've seen what building an AI-tailored SoC allows in Google's Pixel phones.
On the surface, it looks like Samsung did the bare minimum to release a new flagship phone. However, once you spend time with the Galaxy S25 Ultra, you'll
Samsung Electronics Co on Wednesday unveiled its newest Galaxy S25 smartphones, powered by Qualcomm’s chips and Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) model, hoping its upgraded AI features can reinvigorate sales and fend off Apple Inc and Chinese rivals.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra arrives with only modest hardware improvements but a new universe of possibilities within. Its display is bigger and more immersive than ever, and we like its rounded corners and narrower body,
The Samsung Galaxy S25 is an impressive new installment to the Samsung Galaxy series, and it needs some impressive accessories to go with it. Here are 10 accessories to get for your upgrade.