In his dystopian thriller 40 Acres, director R.T. Thorne tells the story of Hailey Freeman, a mother played by Danielle Deadwyler, and her eldest son (Kataem O'Connor) as they hold opposing ...
The film currently sits at a 40% score from critics and a 48% rating ... the 2015 sci-fi action thriller streaming on Prime Video. Since none of the other Transporter movies in the franchise ...
From Michael Jackson's last-minute plan to scrap the video and his feud with Vincent Price, to Quincy Jones' round-the-clock work ethic, learn everything that went into the funky pop masterpiece ...
But despite such big names at the helm, this apocalyptic thriller has netted a mere 40% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. It's divided critics, too, with a 75% score on the same site. I watched ...