“Captain Tsubasa,” a globally beloved soccer manga series, will end its 40-year run in April, publisher Shueisha Inc. announced on Jan. 5. In a statement, Yoichi Takahashi, 63, the manga ...
Captain Tsubasa: Rivals is based on a long-running Japanese anime and manga franchise about a soccer team. The game plays ...
November 30th to early 2025; Take part in numerous campaigns and earn rewards; Lots of resources up for grabs for newbies; ...
Junichi Inamoto announced his retirement aged 45 on Wednesday, ending a career that saw the midfielder become the first ...
eFootball has announced a new collaboration with the popular manga Captain Tsubasa, created by Yōichi Takahashi in the 80s ...
Learn more. Our Captain Tsubasa Ace codes list contains the latest free game codes to redeem! Photo: Program Twenty Three Captain Tsubasa Ace’s true-to-console gameplay entices many football ...
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Captain Tsubasa: Ace Codes
Captain Tsubasa: Ace is a mobile football game with an anime setting. The game offers many game modes where you can demonstrate your skills on the field. And if you want to get some rewards ...
TOKYO, Nov. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- KLab Inc., a leader in online mobile games, announced that its head-to-head football simulation game Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team will be holding the Worldwide ...