As federal funding cuts continue to loom, uncertainty surrounds the future of academic programs at the University of Hawaii.
Some critics have even said the bill would force professors to give equal time to the teaching of such long-discredited ...
Cutting Title I funds would reverse a federal commitment of decades to educating children who need extra help and support to ...
As many as two-thirds of colleges and universities in the U.S. have over the last decade have shown at least one sign of ...
One of the 12 commonwealth campuses under consideration to be closed has seen a consistent enrollment increase since fall 2021.
Many of these rightists would have you believe that neo-Nazis are “fine people” while at the same time the problem with ...
Fixing the Clark County School District will require undoing many past mistakes. On Thursday, the Board of Trustees ...
"I feel my work is most impactful when a student embraces disability as their lived experience. Their truth. To share in such ...
There is no area in which the United States’ global dominance is more total than higher education. With about 4% of the world’s population and 25% of its gross domestic product, America has 72% of ...
University leaders have been told a lot recently. In February there was a “Dear Colleague” letter from the U.S. Department of ...
The schools under investigation include dozens of state schools and two Ivy Leagues, namely Cornell and Yale. A number of ...
Trump Targets Woke Universities with Funding Cuts** In a bold shift that has left elite universities scrambling, President Donald Trump has set his si ...