Green Lantern HBO series finds its John Stewart: Aaron Pierre joins Kyle Chandler's Hal Jordan HBO's Green Lanterns series puts a ring on it: Kyle Chandler joins as Hal Jordan ...
Though it featured an ensemble cast, the drama largely focused on the kind-hearted and optimistic Coach Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler) and his supportive wife, high school guidance counselor and ...
It’s official: Emmy winner Kyle Chandler is set to star in Lanterns, HBO‘s high-profile series based on the Green Lantern DC comic. As Deadline reported exclusively last month, the Emmy winner had ...
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Kyle Chandler has been hired to play Hal Jordan, last seen as Ryan Reynolds in the infamous CGI-suited Green Lantern movie in 2011 in the upcoming Lanterns series. Chandler, of course, is most ...
We’ve got the perfect cast. When you look at Kyle, you see someone who used to fly jetplanes and embodies Hal. When you look at Aaron, his heart, his soul, and his strength are so John Stewart.
UPDATE 10/9/2024: DC Studios has now officially confirmed that Kyle Chandler will indeed play Hal Jordan in the DCU Lanterns series. The Lanterns Hal Jordan has been found. Deadline reports that ...
We spoke with Kyle Chandler about his all-time favorite gear, drink, meal to cook (ribs!), his favoite place to travel, and more. Check out his MJ5. On His Favorite Gear: When Chandler’s taking ...
Of course. Will that actor be immediately resented by some fans for his failure to be Kyle Chandler? Absolutely. Accordingly, the only actor likely to accept the role will be a desperate ...
In big news for the series, Kyle Chandler will take on the mantle of Hal Jordan in Lanterns. Yes, Chandler has officially been cast in the Green Lantern role. We think he’s a good choice ...